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Travel guide to Tanzania, Africa

Travel guide to Tanzania: best things to do in Tanzania

Image by Magdalena Kula Manchee via Unsplash.

When looking for a new country to explore from top to bottom, you must consider Tanzania.

This beautiful African country comes with various opportunities to truly enjoy your holiday as you can do everything from relaxing on a beach and staying active to meeting the locals and encountering the wildlife.

No matter if you’re travelling solo or going with a group of friends, here are some of the best things you can do when visiting Tanzania.

See the Big Five at Serengeti National Park

For starters, let’s go through some of the best-known attractions of Tanzania, like Serengeti National Park.

This treeless plain is home to millions of species and attracts thousands of visitors every year.

Serengeti is the second largest national park in the country and provides visitors an opportunity to see the Big Five – lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and African buffalos.

Moreover, there are almost 500 bird species here and more than 1.5 million animals migrate through this area in May and early June, such as gazelles and zebras.

If you want to see the wildlife, plan your trip for somewhere between June and September as you probably want to avoid the wet season (March to May). Keep in mind, however, that the coldest period is from June to October so remember to pack warm clothes if you visit at this time of year.

Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

If you’re looking for an adventure, is there anything better than trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

This is the continent’s highest peak, standing at 5,895 meters. The iconic mountain is part of Mount Kilimanjaro National Park, which is most often visited by those trying to reach the summit of this snow-capped giant.

While you can go there whenever you want, the best time is probably during the dry season, from the end of June to October.

Its slopes are home to monkeys, leopards, buffaloes, and elephants while you can also spot many different birds, including birds of prey.

Image by Stephan Bechert via Unsplash.

Visit Lake Manyara National Park

Another national park you should not overlook during your travels is Lake Manyara National Park.

It is home to the world’s largest concentration of baboons, and you can also enjoy the sight of thousands of flamingos, lions, elephants, and hippos.

This variety of wildlife is possible due to the combination of swamps, forests, grasslands, and woodland, and more than half of it is covered by water.

The opportunity to get close to the animals is a big drawcard but there are also mountain bike tours and canoeing available.

Volunteer with children

If you’re looking to give back to the community you’re visiting, you can look for volunteering opportunities, such as finding a quality program to volunteer with children while in Tanzania.

If you speak English well, this is something you can easily help with. Not only will you be able to teach students to better communicate in English, but you will also learn more about the local culture while staying in a small town like Monduli.

Local teachers always appreciate assistance, and you might also be able to help with science and mathematics.

Image by Bradford Zak via Unsplash.

Go diving near Mafia Island

Another island that you want to consider during your exploration of Tanzania is Mafia Island.

This majestic place attracts visitors from all over the world that are looking to dive and snorkel in the Mafia Island Marine Park.

If this is something that interests you, you’ll want to carefully plan this part of your trip. For instance, while the best weather is from May to October, the best time for diving is from October to March, as March and April come with heavy rains.

In addition to marveling at coral gardens and amazing fish species, you can also fish in this area.

Get off the beaten path at Gombe National Park

When trying to be more eco-conscious during your travels, you can also consider visiting some less visited places. For example, you can get off the beaten path by going to Gombe National Park.

It is among the smallest national parks in the country but there are many primate and mammal species to be seen here.

While there are more than 200 species of birds, the main attraction of this place is the chimpanzees. There are guided tours that will allow you to see them in the wild and it’s surely something you will never forget.

You can also hike to a waterfall and swim in the area.

Relax on the beaches of Zanzibar

If you’re looking for something a bit more laidback, it’s a great idea to visit the island of Zanzibar.

Also known as Unguja, this island is famous for its gorgeous beaches, which makes it a major holiday destination.

Here, you will get a chance to relax on soft white sand and enjoy the clear water. Surfing is also an option, but it depends on which part of the island you go to.

At the heart of Zanzibar, you will find Stone Town, a historic city known for its narrow alleyways, busy port, and old Arabian townhouses.

Travel guide to Tanzania: best things to do in Tanzania

Image by Majkl Velner via Unsplash.

Witness the famous volcanic Ngorongoro Crater in person

Taking a trip to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area will give you a chance to see the volcanic Ngorongoro Crater in person.

This famous spot is also one of the best places in Tanzania for viewing local wildlife as the crater provides them with a permanent supply of water.

You can spot rhinos, elephants, lions, zebras, gazelles, buffaloes, and wildebeests as well as many hippos, flamingoes, and different birds.

Don’t skip Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park has been the country’s largest park since 2008.

Large herds of buffalos and gazelles call this place home, and you can also find elephants here. Uniquely, there are more than 400 bird species here that cannot be seen in northern Tanzania.

As it is the least accessible park, the landscape here is relatively preserved. The park’s main feature is certainly the Great Ruaha River, which provides stunning views of animals on its banks. Fun fact: the hydroelectric dam at Kidatu provides plenty of electricity for Tanzania.

If you’re not sure which African country to visit next, keep Tanzania in mind. As you can see, there are countless things to do to make it a holiday to remember.

Nina Simons writer SHE DEFINED

This article was written by Nina Simons.

Nina is a lifestyle blogger, yoga aficionado and a travel enthusiast with a distinctive taste for home decor. She’s passionate about learning new things and sharing meaningful ideas.

In her free time, she loves to design clothes and furniture. If you wanna see what she’s up to, you can find her on Twitter.