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From managing your finances better to investing and spending wisely, this is the place to discuss all things money.

What are crypto on- and off-ramps?

What are crypto on- and off-ramps?

Converting digital assets into usable currency is often the ultimate goal for investors. Here's a look at crypto on- and off-ramp solutions.

5 quick ways to earn more money

5 quick ways to earn more money

Here are 5 quick ways that you could increase your income and fast-track your path to financial freedom.

The hidden costs of menopause that impacts retirement planning

The hidden costs of menopause that can impact retirement planning

Menopause can be financially expensive to manage. Here's what you should be aware of and plan ahead for, with tips from a financial adviser.

Savvy ways to reduce your expenses, according to a money expert

Savvy ways to reduce your expenses, according to a money expert

Decreasing expenses can have a compounding effect on your finances. Here's how making small changes can save you hundreds of dollars.

The single woman's guide to insurance

The single woman’s guide to insurance

From protecting your home and health to securing your travels and caring for your pets, here's the insurance information you need.

Investing: The 6 basic types of shares you need to know

Investing: The 6 basic types of shares you need to know

Let’s take a look at the six basic types of shares of publicly traded companies that are available for you to invest in.

These investing myths are costing you a fortune

These investing myths are costing you a fortune

Think you know fact from fiction when it comes to investing? You wouldn’t be the first to fall afoul of these money myths.

4 things to consider when choosing a superannuation fund

4 things to consider when choosing a superannuation fund

You can choose your superannuation fund, so it’s worth shopping around to check you’re getting a good deal. Here are some tips.

Plugging the superannuation gap for women

Plugging the superannuation gap for women

Despite the disadvantages women face with superannuation there are some effective strategies to address this gap, writes a financial adviser.