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Mind and Soul

Lion’s Gate Portal: What is it and how to manifest during August and 8/8

Lion’s Gate Portal: What is it and how to manifest during August and 8/8

Do you want more money or maybe a better job or an unexpected stroke of luck in your life?

Certain times of the year are more powerful for manifestation than others. What’s the best time to manifest during the Lion’s Gate Portal? And what does 8/8 Lion’s Gate mean?

It’s time to put on your astrology hat, gather your candles and crystals and put on your long, flowy robes. The following rituals can help you harness one of the most powerful manifestation times of the year.

Here’s what 8/8 Lion’s Gate means and how you can manifest during the Lion’s Gate Portal.

What does the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal mean?

The 8/8 Lion’s Gate means it’s the eighth day of the eighth month of the year. According to the ancient Egyptians, this date corresponded with the beginning of the new year and the start of a new farming season.

In astrology, August 8 also aligns with when the sun in Leo, the star in Sirius, Orion’s Belt and the Earth all line up to create a celestial portal. It’s especially strong because Leo is symbolised as the lion, a beast synonymous with power. In fact, the eighth card in the tarot deck is ‘strength’, which is normally depicted as a goddess prying open the mouth of a lion.

If you flip the number eight on its side, it makes the infinity symbol. That’s an important reminder to carefully consider what it is you wish to manifest, as the energy can ripple through time. If you direct your energy toward destruction, expect an equal amount to come back to you through the law of karma. Therefore, it’s best to focus on manifesting positive circumstances that don’t violate free will principles or intentionally or unintentionally bring harm to other living beings.

The number eight is associated with abundance, power and balance, and seeing it triple on this date enhances its strength. It’s the ideal time to manifest an improvement in your finances, career or overall social standing.

The best time to manifest during the Lion’s Gate Portal

The best time to manifest during the Lion’s Gate Portal is during the sunrise and sunset hours on August 8. However, if your work schedule interferes, the Lion’s Gate Portal remains open all day and its power lingers around this date. Don’t get too caught up on the timing; it’s more important to channel the abundance and manifest at some point around this date.

Sunrise is a particularly powerful time as it symbolically carries your deepest desires into the full light of day. Plan on rising early to catch its first rays, if possible. You might even increase in darkness to flow through a yoga routine to get in a meditative headspace and begin to generate a feeling of abundance and plenty in your heart centre, letting it imbue each chakra.

What if you miss the August 8 Lion’s Gate Portal?

If you missed the August 8 window, don’t worry. You can still manifest in the days around this date as it’s believed the energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal can still be harnessed.

The month of August is also believed to be a good time to manifest, as it’s a strong period for abundance. You can also pay attention to when a full moon occurs in August, as this is known to boost clarity, and the transition to Virgo on August 23 which marks practicality.

August is a month brimming with potential and transformation, thanks to the influence of Leo’s energy which encourages bold endeavours and makes it an ideal time to focus on achieving personal goals and dreams. 

Lion’s Gate Portal: What is it and how to manifest during August and 8/8

The eighth card in a tarot deck is 'strength'.

Manifestation rituals to try

Rituals are powerful ways to manifest during the Lion’s Gate Portal. Try one of the following practices to bring your desires into reality:

1. Write a manifestation letter to yourself

If you’ve never actively manifested before, you can start with the simple act of writing a letter to yourself to manifest the abundance you seek.

Be sure to write the letter in present tense, as if you already have all the things you wish to manifest, and be specific in what you write down. You can follow the example of:

I am so happy and grateful now that… [detail the desire here]

You can focus on manifesting in different areas of your life, such as wealth, health, relationships, career, and personal growth, for instance.

When you have finished writing the letter, sign it off with your name and seal it with your intention. Then take the letter and fold it inwards towards yourself, to signify these things you want to manifest as coming in towards you. Then you’re going to place the letter somewhere safe, but you’re not going to think about it until next year. Then set yourself a reminder for August 8 of next year, when you’re going to open the letter, read it, and be amazed at all the things you’ve manifested.

2. Bay Leaf Money Spell

For the Bay Leaf Money Spell, gather the following materials the night before so they are ready to go for your sunrise manifestation ritual:

  • A bay leaf
  • A Sharpie
  • Tweezers
  • A lighter
  • A fire-safe bowl

The ancient Greeks and Romans used bay leaves to wreathe their victorious champions. This plant has long shared an association with prosperity.

To manifest this money spell on 8/8 Lion’s Gate, use the Sharpie to write the sum of money you want to manifest on the bay leaf. You can also stick with a more general term, such as abundance. Cover it with dollar signs or whatever symbolises wealth to you.

Then, take the bay leaf with your tweezers and hold it over the bowl. Use your lighter to ignite it, and chant the following while it burns:

Power of bay leaf, I ask thee,

Through methods fair and just,

Bring abundant prosperity

Through the fire

Bring abundant prosperity.

Visualise yourself receiving the sum through innocent means — a raise at work, an unexpected reward, even a lottery win. When the leaf burns completely, scatter the ashes to the wind by blowing them out a window or taking them outside.

3. Green Candle Money Spell

Here are the materials you’ll need to manifest this Green Candle Money Spell during the Lion’s Gate portal:

  • A large green candle
  • Your favourite money-attracting essential oil, like eucalyptus in an olive oil base
  • Small coins
  • A piece of paper and a pen.

Begin by writing your money goals on a piece of paper. Then, visualise yourself receiving them as you anoint the candle with oil.

Set the candle on the centre of the paper, sprinkling coins around it. Light the candle, and meditate on achieving your financial goals as it burns.

The beauty of this spell is you can perform it over several days. When the candle finally reaches its end, bury its remnants in your backyard.

4. The Money Tree Manifestation

There’s a plant called a money tree that rivals bamboo at attracting financial fortune to your home. Symbolically planting one during 8/8 Lion’s Gate increases its powers of manifestation. For the Money Tree Manifestation Spell, you’ll need:

  • Money tree seeds
  • A planter — the prettier, the better, especially if it features a design suggestive of riches
  • Potting soil
  • Water
  • A grow light (optional)

Begin by filling the planter a third of the way with potting soil while visualising your money tree growing.

Add a bit of water to moisten the soil, then add two to three seeds while chanting, “As this seed takes root and grow, so do my fortunes.”

Cover the seeds with the remaining soil, give it a touch of water to dampen it and place the container in a sunny window or under a grow light.

Money trees grow best in bright, indirect light, like your windowsill. They only require watering once every two weeks to avoid drowning your financial fortunes.

What does 8/8 Lion’s Gate mean to you?

The 8/8 Lion’s Gate is one of the most powerful times to manifest your desires. It’s an especially auspicious time for rituals regarding finances and money.

The best time to manifest during the Lion’s Gate Portal is on August 8, or in the immediate days around this date. Otherwise, use the month of August to channel abundance and make it a month-long series of manifestions.

So, gather your materials and direct your spiritual energy toward making your wishes into reality.

Beth Rush - Writer - SHE DEFINED

Beth Rush

This article was written by Beth Rush.

Beth is the nutrition editor at Body+Mind and has more than 5 years of experience writing about how to sample global cuisines sustainably. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth Rush!