Guest Writer
5 signs it’s time to quit your job (and how to do it gracefully)
Guest Writer | April 21, 2023
How do you know when it’s time to quit? These are the five warning signs that it is likely time to move on to a new job.
Shopping for a high-interest savings account? Here’s what to look for
Guest Writer | April 17, 2023
With interest rates soaring, you may be pondering whether savings accounts now offer attractive returns. The devil is in the detail.
How to build and maintain healthy boundaries
Guest Writer | April 10, 2023
Setting boundaries with others might not come instinctively to you, but there are small steps you can take to stand up for yourself and your needs.
This one simple phrase will give you the motivation you seek
Guest Writer | April 5, 2023
If you’re lacking drive, this one simple phrase will reframe your thinking and motivate you to do the things you don’t want to do.
Why it’s time to say goodbye to the mid-life crisis and welcome the mid-life catalyst
Guest Writer | April 3, 2023
It’s time to let go of the myth that getting older equates to a time of despair, and declare the years ahead as the most powerful years of your life.
How to negotiate flexible working arrangements
Guest Writer | March 29, 2023
If you want more flexible working arrangements, here is a plan of action to help you negotiate with your employer.
5 of Australia’s best locations to enjoy marine life
Guest Writer | March 24, 2023
Australia is home to some incredible marine life, including dolphins, penguins, whales and more. Here’s where you can spot them.
International Women's Day
A call to action for all of us on International Women’s Day
Guest Writer | March 7, 2023
Here’s how you can play your part in embracing gender equity every day, according to gender equality expert Michelle Redfern.
Bring your e-commerce business idea to life in 5 easy steps
Guest Writer | February 27, 2023
If you want to launch an online business that sells goods or services, here are five steps to help you bring your e-commerce idea to life.