Sharon Green
Sharon Green is the founding editor of SHE DEFINED.
An experienced journalist and editor, Sharon has worked in mainstream media in Australia and the United Kingdom.
Forever in search of a publication that confronted the real issues faced by modern women, Sharon decided to create her own.
Articles by Sharon:
We need to talk about mental load and how to manage it
Sharon Green | August 11, 2023
Mental load – it’s work that is tiring, never-ending and invisible. And women are most affected by it. So, how can we manage this epidemic?
Low energy? How women can avoid the afternoon slump and stop feeling tired
Sharon Green | July 28, 2023
Many women are prone to experiencing an afternoon slump. Find out why it happens and what you can do to combat feeling tired.
Style tips: How to choose clothing in colours that suit your complexion
Sharon Green | July 15, 2023
How do you determine which colours make you look drab versus the ones that elevate your complexion? It turns out there is a little science to it.
International Women's Day
Gender pay gap drops to 13.3% but women still ‘worse off’
Sharon Green | March 8, 2023
Australia’s national gender pay gap has dropped to 13.3 per cent, but women still earn $253.50 less per week than men.
50 ways to find $5K by the end of the year
Sharon Green | October 24, 2022
Try these 50 tips to save $5000 in no time and use the money to grow your savings, start investing, or pay down debt.
Family, frictions and finding home: Kgshak Akec on writing Hopeless Kingdom
Sharon Green | October 12, 2022
Migration can have a profound and devastating impact on a family, as Kgshak Akec explores in her debut novel Hopeless Kingdom.
Women in business: Meet Cassie Sanghvi, co-founder of The Base Collective
Sharon Green | August 15, 2022
Starting The Base Collective, a natural and no-nasties cosmetics range, has allowed Cassie Sanghvi to carve a niche. This is her business story.
SHE DEFINED celebrates five years
Sharon Green | August 10, 2022
SHE DEFINED’s founding editor Sharon Green reflects on the five years since the women’s publication first launched.
Love our content? Support SHE DEFINED today
Sharon Green | June 24, 2022
You can now support SHE DEFINED's independent journalism with a financial contribution. Here's how – and why your support matters.