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4 common working from home injuries

4 common working from home injuries

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This article was made possible thanks to Law Partners, Australia’s largest specialist personal injury firm.

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More and more people are working from home nowadays, whether it be by choice or due to transitions in the way we work following COVID-19 restrictions.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data recorded in August 2021 showed that more than 40 per cent of employees work from home, and working from home was more prevalent for managers and professional occupations.

Even as the impacts of the pandemic ease, many workers have embraced remote work as the new norm. Some people have found that working from home offers more flexibility and many are work more productively from home compared to an office set-up.

And just like the traditional place of work, employees working from home are vulnerable to job-related injuries. Here are four common injuries experienced by those working from home:

1. Musculoskeletal disorders

Several work-from-home employees suffer these injuries due to overexertion or muscle strain, especially if they maintain the same posture at a computer for long hours daily.

Severe musculoskeletal disorders may result in serious health conditions such as tendinitis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fibromyalgia or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Some symptoms include excessive pain, swelling, or stiffness of specific areas of the musculoskeletal system, like the lower and upper back, neck and shoulders.

In such cases, it’s crucial to seek early treatment to avoid further complications.

In instances where office duties are the primary contributing factors to injury, you may qualify for worker’s compensation. Therefore, you’d want to work with a reputable law firm such as Law Partners for a comprehensive representation. Their personal injury lawyers can ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

2. Psychological injuries

Pressure from employers seeking to increase the productivity of remote workers has resulted in occupational mental health disorders among employees. That includes stress, depression, burnout and anxiety.

The other adverse events that can trigger such mental illnesses are:

  • Lack of assistance for some complex and draining tasks
  • Bullying by superiors due to minor errors
  • Digital surveillance by some aggressive bosses
  • Job insecurities may force you to work more extended periods to prove your value.

When stress starts to build up due to such issues, it’s common to experience emotional exhaustion, which can significantly impact your normal body functioning. This is a sign of chronic psychological stress.

Other signs include increased blood pressure, rapid heart rates, lack of sleep and constant fatigue. In addition, there are behavioural changes such as social unrest, withdrawal or self-medication.

A good employer can give you an easy time and prevent such issues by providing clear instructions on assignments. They can also arrange group meetings with other staff for consultation and social interaction.

Most importantly, if you experience any work-related mental illness that affects your ability to discharge regular duties, it’s best to go for medical treatment. Likewise, talk to your employer about your current situation.

What is productivity anxiety and what can you do about it

3. Bone fractures

Bone fractures are often caused by trips that may happen within your household, likely because of a wet floor, loose wires, loose mats, uneven flooring and other obstructions.

Common bone fractures affect the limbs, hips, spine, ankles or wrists.

The severity of the situation may vary depending on the area affected, the current health of the victim and age. For instance, fatal limb fractures may take longer to heal among the aged groups.

Note that you can eliminate such risks through simple efforts like storing all your equipment well and cleaning up any spillages. However, accidents occur, and if you sustain a bone fracture while working from home, it’s essential to get immediate medical attention.

For thorough diagnosis and treatment, doctors may have to perform an X-ray, computerised tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or bone scan. Severe cases might require surgery and physical therapy afterwards.

For that reason, ensure you document everything and present it to your employer as evidence. However, your activities at the time of the injury may determine whether or not you’ll get worker’s compensation.

In case of any disagreements, you can consult an attorney who can offer legal advice regarding your rights as a worker.

4. Eye injuries

Work-related eye injuries are common among employees who regularly use computer screens.

Research indicates that about 50 per cent to 90 per cent of computer users manifest symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome.

As a remote worker, you may sustain vision problems due to the daily use of technology for communication, execution of duties, and job sharing. The common signs you may experience include blurry vision, itchy and dry eyes, eye fatigue and consistent migraines.

In such cases, you should get your vision checked by a professional eye doctor. The medical expenses may vary based on your condition. So, remember to claim your compensation benefits to help you during healing and recovery.

However, you can prevent eye strain in the following ways:

  • Adjust the room lighting
  • Position your laptop, desktop or smartphone at least 25 inches from your face
  • Use safety glasses or eyewear while working
  • Limit screen time by taking breaks
  • Reduce your monitor’s brightness or choose the ‘eye comfort’ mode if available.

Seek help if you experience injury

Injuries sustained at home while on official duty may qualify as workplace accidents and could be eligible for worker’s compensation. Just because there’s a shift from the conventional office space to a home set-up doesn’t prevent you from getting quality treatment and your rightful benefits.

If you experience a common work-from-home injury, you should notify your employer or involve a lawyer for representation.

Altogether, remember to take the necessary measures to ensure a safe work environment.

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This article was made possible thanks to Law Partners, Australia’s largest specialist personal injury firm.

Learn more at