Whether you want to know how to succeed as a woman in the workplace or whether you’re looking to other businesswomen for advice, this is the place for the career-driven female.
Company founder Jen Gotch says this is the key to being a leader
The Ladders | April 29, 2020
Jen Gotch, co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of lifestyle brand Ban.do, shares her tips on how to be a leader during unstable times.
How to make the most of your 5 to 9
A Girl In Progress | April 17, 2020
If you regularly complain that you 'don't have enough time' to pursue passions or interests, try this concept to make the most of your 5 to 9 hours.
5 Australian women facing job insecurity due to coronavirus
Quincy Malesovas | April 5, 2020
Five women who face job insecurity due to the coronavirus share how they’ve been affected and how they’re navigating such uncertain times.
Why it’s important to get dressed when working from home (and what to wear)
Sharon Green | April 1, 2020
Working from home (WFH) in your pyjamas might sound like the dream, but here’s why getting dressed is more important than you think.
Women in business: Meet Jess and Stef Dadon, founders of shoe brand Twoobs
Sharon Green | March 13, 2020
Australian sisters Jess and Stef Dadon share their journey from creating fashion blog How Two Live to launching their shoe brand Twoobs.
Victress: book by cricketer Corinne Hall celebrates women in sport
Sharon Green | March 3, 2020
Victress, a book that celebrates 35 iconic Australian sportswomen, will help fund grassroots women’s cricket projects and charity Kindness Factory.
The 5 best time management apps for remote workers
A Girl In Progress | February 21, 2020
With all of the flexibility and freedom of remote working, it’s important to manage your time wisely. Try these apps to get things done efficiently.
Business coach Nicole Lapin on why IQ is not a predictor of success
The Ladders | February 14, 2020
Consultant, author, and podcast host Nicole Lapin shares her emotional competence roadmap as it applies to budget, balance, and mental ‘fitness’.
How to stop multitasking to supercharge your productivity
A Girl In Progress | February 5, 2020
Multi-tasking could be what is stopping you from hitting your productivity goals. Here are 5 strategies to help you ditch multi-tasking for good.