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Whether you want to know how to succeed as a woman in the workplace or whether you’re looking to other businesswomen for advice, this is the place for the career-driven female.

Women in business: Meet Angela Ceberano, founder of Marco & Co

Women in business: Meet Angela Ceberano, founder of Marco & Co

Angela Ceberano shares how finding a hobby pulled her out of burnout and helped her find balance in business and life.

Thinking of starting a budget? Do these 5 things first

Thinking of starting a budget? Do these 5 things first

Here are some helpful things to do before you create a budget, so you can feel more confident and make sure you actually stick to it.

How to overhaul your LinkedIn profile to improve career prospects

How to overhaul your LinkedIn profile to improve career prospects

Your LinkedIn profile should be more than just an online resume or something you use when you need to apply for your next job.

Women in business: Meet Pricila Civatti, founder of sustainable fashion brand ANTTI

Women in business: Meet Pricila Civatti, founder of sustainable fashion brand ANTTI

When Pricila Civatti created ANTTI she never intended it to be a primarily sustainable fashion brand, even though this value was always at its core.

Nail your next job interview with these surprising tips

Nail your next job interview with these surprising tips

Preparing for a job interview is about more than just jotting down a few words or reciting the main goal of a company. Here are 5 tips that can help.

Sarah Harrison - Little Miss Melbourne

How to step away from your day job and set up your own business

If you’ve ever dreamed of leaving your 9-to-5 job to pursue entrepreneurship, here’s how you can get started.

4 Ways To Beat Impostor Syndrome At Work

4 ways to beat impostor syndrome at work

Even though many women experience impostor syndrome, the good news is that it’s not a permanent condition.

Meet Sage Greenwood, co-founder of Golden Grind and managing director of WINK Models

Women in business: Meet Sage Greenwood, co-founder of Golden Grind and managing director of WINK Models

Sage Greenwood, the co-founder of Golden Grind and the managing director of WINK Models, shares how she balances two very different careers.

Australian gender pay gap hits record low

Australian gender pay gap hits record low, more employers drive income equality

Latest data has shown that the gender pay gap in Australia has reached a 20-year low and more businesses are striving for income equity.