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Whether you want to know how to succeed as a woman in the workplace or whether you’re looking to other businesswomen for advice, this is the place for the career-driven female.

Meet the women who combine work and travel

Digital nomads: Meet the women who combine work and travel

The ability to work and travel simultaneously is a goal for many women with a passion for exploring the world. Four women share how it's done.

Kristy Mujana (aka Kmac) and Priscilla Fisher (aka Cill) of Floozy Coffee Roasters.

Female-run Floozy Coffee Roasters aims to advance women in coffee industry and beyond

Two women who run a coffee roasting business are not only changing the face of the coffee industry but also supporting women in need.

Meet two women of diversity pressing for progress

Meet two women of diversity pressing for progress

Two women are striving for progress in the workplace and community despite their diversity.

Sheree Rubinstein One Roof

Melbourne co-working space One Roof helps women in business flourish

The future of business is female – and a co-working space dedicated to helping women in business is on a mission to make it happen.

How I run a business and travel the world Emma Lovell

How I run my business and travel the world

You can travel the world and still make a living. Sounds like the dream, right? For me, this is reality.

Stylists' tips: Fashion staples every working woman should own

Stylists’ tips: Fashion staples every working woman should own

When it comes to building a functional and fashionable work wardrobe, there are certain pieces that never go out of style.

Deborah Drexler, co-founder of furniture brand Matt Blatt

Women in business: Meet Deborah Drexler, co-founder of furniture brand Matt Blatt

A willingness to learn, listening to customers and carving her role as a woman in the workplace has helped Deborah Drexler thrive in her career.

Meet 3 Melbourne women with side hustles

Meet 3 Melbourne women with side hustles

These three women have launched businesses on the side while juggling full time jobs, and they’re reaping the rewards of creative fulfilment.

Meet the women making headway in science in Australia

Meet the women making headway in science in Australia

Four women have been recognised for their contributions to science in Australia. Read on to learn more about their achievements.