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From negotiating your first pay rise to climbing the corporate ladder, we share tips for women who want to succeed in the workplace.

Workplace culture and women’s addiction recovery

Workplace culture and women’s addiction recovery

This article looks at the role of workplace culture in addiction recovery and how it affects women’s experiences.

5 tips for getting over your AI overwhelm

5 tips for getting over your AI overwhelm

With a bit of courage and a lot of humanity, you’ve got everything you need to make AI work for you, not replace you, writes Leanne Shelton.

What to do when you’re not in the ‘in-group’ at work

What to do when you’re not in the ‘in-group’ at work

Problems arise in the workplace when those with more perceived power become an exclusive 'in-group'. Here's what you can do about it.

The essential skills you need to supercharge your earning power

The essential skills you need to supercharge your earning power

Accelerating your earning capacity requires you to focus on what you must do now to prepare for what lies ahead, writes Michelle Gibbings.

What should you do if you work in a toxic workplace?

What should you do if you work in a toxic workplace?

If you find yourself in a workplace with a terrible culture, then it’s important to think carefully about your next move. Here are some tips.

5 ways women can leverage the gender pay gap to their advantage

5 ways women can leverage the gender pay gap to their advantage

Financial adviser Helen Baker shares five ways women can use the gender pay gap to their advantage or at least offset the damage.

These are the mistakes people make when asking for a pay rise

These are the mistakes women make when asking for a pay rise – and how to avoid them

There are common mistakes people make when asking for a pay rise. Here's how you can be aware of them and change the outcome.

3 ways to talk to your boss about unrealistic workloads

3 ways to talk to your boss about unrealistic workloads

Open discussions about your workload priorities can boost productivity, reduce stress, and improve your relationship with your boss. Here's how.

How a trip to Cambodia influenced my career trajectory

How a trip to Cambodia influenced my career trajectory

After travelling to Cambodia when she was 18, Emily Williamson had no idea how much the trip would shape her career and life.