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For book reviews, analysis and discussion, this is the place for bookworms.

The case for quitting while you still have a choice

The case for quitting while you still have a choice

Contrary to popular belief, quitting will get you to where you want to go faster. Here's why.

Things we do that make anxiety worse

Things we do that make anxiety worse

These are some common behaviours that ease anxiety in the moment, but keep us stuck in the long term.

Family, frictions, finding home: Kgshak Akec on writing Hopeless Kingdom

Family, frictions and finding home: Kgshak Akec on writing Hopeless Kingdom

Migration can have a profound and devastating impact on a family, as Kgshak Akec explores in her debut novel Hopeless Kingdom.

Platonic by Marisa G Franco book cover

Marisa G Franco explores friendship and attachment theory in her book Platonic

Your attachment style plays a huge role in determining how you make and keep friends, which Marisa G Franco explores in her new book.

Michelle Bowden

6 confidence boosters to change your life

Adopt these simple changes each day to build your confidence and see it grow over time, allowing you to improve your life.

The benefits of reading before bedtime

The benefits of reading before bedtime

If you’re seeking better sleep, here are some compelling reasons why you should pick up a book before you drift off.

6 books about the climate crisis that offer hope

6 books about the climate crisis that offer hope

How to counter the gloom? We asked six environmental experts to each nominate a book about the climate crisis that offers hope.

Monica Lunin: How the voices of strong women are creating change

How the voices of strong women are creating change

Women’s words can be found at the break points of history, provoking, demanding and inspiring action, writes Monica Lunin.

Gina Rushton on writing The Most Important Job in the World

Should we become parents? Gina Rushton asks this fraught question in her book

Should we become parents? It’s the mother of all questions and, as Gina Rushton explores in her book, a decision that is more fraught than ever.