From managing your finances better to investing and spending wisely, this is the place to discuss all things money.
How to negotiate your salary: 9 out-of-the-box tips
The Ladders | June 9, 2021
When it comes to salary negotiation, practice makes perfect. In fact, it’s the most important part of successfully negotiating your salary.
5 subtle shifts that will increase your earning potential
The Ladders | March 26, 2021
Being aware of the things you can do to maximise your income will allow you to make changes and earn more.
9 things you should always include in conversations about your salary
The Ladders | March 21, 2021
Whether you’re considering an offer from a new employer or want to ask for a raise, it’s important to go into the conversation prepared.
Meet the women in finance helping others to better manage their money
Quincy Malesovas | September 30, 2020
Meet three women working in the finance sector who are educating and empowering others to better manage their money.
How to manage your money with confidence in uncertain times
Sharon Green | April 22, 2020
Finance expert Natasha Janssens shares her tips on how you can manage your money with confidence during turbulent times.
Superannuation fund for women aims to close gender super gap
Sharon Green | November 20, 2019
Imagine a superannuation fund that caters to the changing needs of women. It might sound too good to be true, but it exists.
How to make the most of your money on any budget
A Girl In Progress | September 4, 2019
It’s easier than ever to lose track of your spending, but implement these five tips to make the most of your money on any budget.
Thinking of starting a budget? Do these 5 things first
A Girl In Progress | August 14, 2019
Here are some helpful things to do before you create a budget, so you can feel more confident and make sure you actually stick to it.
How to negotiate a pay rise as a woman in the workplace
Sharon Green | April 26, 2018
If there’s one thing that women can improve on, it’s negotiating their salary.