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Interesting people, complex issues, relationships and challenging the status quo – we’re all about exploring the topics that make up the fabric of life.

I care about what other people think of me — here's how I handle it

I care about what other people think of me — here’s how I handle it

If you obsess over what other people think of you, here's what you can do to assess whether it's something worth sweating over.

Sharon Green: What is fun, and are we having fun anymore?

What is fun, and are we having ‘fun’ anymore?

As she adjusts to a ‘new normal’ during a pandemic and enters her mid-thirties, Sharon Green asks: are we having fun anymore?

5 subtle shifts that will increase your earning potential

5 subtle shifts that will increase your earning potential

Being aware of the things you can do to maximise your income will allow you to make changes and earn more.

9 things you should always include in conversations about your salary

9 things you should always include in conversations about your salary

Whether you’re considering an offer from a new employer or want to ask for a raise, it’s important to go into the conversation prepared.

Sisters Inside: How Debbie Kilroy went from prisoner to protector of women’s rights

Sisters Inside: How Debbie Kilroy went from prisoner to protector of women’s rights

Sisters Inside is supporting women in and out of prison to re-establish their lives, empowering them to break free of the cycles of disadvantage.

Uplifting quotes by strong women to empower you

Uplifting quotes by strong women to empower you

Here are some words of wisdom from the leaders and icons who make us proud to be women.

Adult friendship: How women can make new friends in adulthood

How to make new friends as an adult

If you’re keen to make new friends in your adulthood but aren’t sure how, here are some helpful places to start.

Is it just me, or does making plans for 2021 seem ludicrous?

Is it just me, or does making plans for 2021 seem ludicrous?

Does the idea of setting goals and fulfilling personal achievements in another unpredictable year seem absurd, asks Sharon Green.

Author Allie Reynolds on writing debut novel Shiver

Author Allie Reynolds on writing debut novel Shiver

Author Allie Reynolds shares the challenges and highlights of writing her debut novel Shiver, a thriller set in the exhilarating French alps.