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Interesting people, complex issues, relationships and challenging the status quo – we’re all about exploring the topics that make up the fabric of life.

Why 'The Gender Code' can be the hidden cause of perfectionism

Why ‘The Gender Code’ can be the hidden cause of perfectionism

Striving for perfectionism doesn't necessarily lead to happiness or fulfilment, so here's how you can ditch the unhelpful habit.

Is it immoral to have children in the era of extreme climate change?

Is it immoral to have children in the era of extreme climate change?

Faced with a future of catastrophic climate change, writer Laura Roscioli asks if it’s immoral to bring children into a decaying world.

Penny Rabarts and Jo Vraca of UnRipe Community podcast

UnRipe Community podcast opens discussion about child-free and childless women

A new podcast explores the complexities of what it’s like to be a woman that is child-free by choice or childless by circumstance.

What are time buckets and how do they help with life planning?

What are time buckets and how do they help with life planning?

Here’s how using time buckets can help you get more out of life while actually enjoying the process along the way.

Meet the women in finance helping others to better manage their money

Meet the women in finance helping others to better manage their money

Meet three women working in the finance sector who are educating and empowering others to better manage their money.

Tips for choosing the perfect women’s wedding ring

Tips for finding the right women’s wedding ring

With so many styles to choose from, there are a few things to consider when looking for the perfect women’s wedding ring.

My relationship imploded and my career thrived

My gut-wrenching heartbreak sparked a flourishing career

Heartbreak is often a catalyst for personal growth, and for some women it’s an unlikely launchpad for a whole new professional or creative path.

Olive by Emma Gannon - image by Harper Collins

Olive by Emma Gannon: a vital book for child-free women

Emma Gannon’s novel Olive opens a much-needed conversation about a woman navigating the complexities of being child-free by choice.

SHE DEFINED turns three

Reflecting on three years of SHE DEFINED

SHE DEFINED’s founding editor Sharon Green reflects on the three years since the women’s publication first launched.