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Kayla Boyd on why she is championing women and advocating mental health

Kayla Boyd on why she is championing women and advocating mental health

Kayla Boyd may be a social media sensation but the issues closest to her heart keep her grounded, raw and real.

The 31-year-old has many strings to her bow – she’s a blogger, content creator, public speaker, mental health advocate and event organiser.

Based in Brisbane, she is married to Australian national rugby league (NRL) player Darius Boyd and has a three-year-old daughter, Willow.

Boyd entered the online world when she launched her blog, Adored by Kayla Boyd, in 2015 while she was pregnant with Willow, claiming she “fell into it” as a way to document her pregnancy and all things motherhood.

“It (the blog) grew organically from there. I initiated it in the name of fun – I never had a goal to do this as a career but I am so grateful that I’m able to make a living doing what I love, from anywhere, whilst having the flexibility to raise my daughter and spend time with my family,” she said.

Boyd wanted to use her blog as a creative platform to share her ideas and thoughts with others. But she also wanted to keep busy as a new mother.

“When I knew I was about to bring a baby into this world, being a full time, stay-at-home mum scared the heck out of me. I’ve always worked, I’ve always had multiple projects on the go, so I really didn’t want to lose that element of my identity,” she said.

Blogging and having an engaged social media following has opened many doors for Boyd and she said some of her greatest work opportunities have stemmed from Instagram.

“Social media is such a powerful tool for business. It’s a great way to connect and engage with people,” she said.

Kayla Boyd on why she is championing women and advocating mental health

Empowering women

A strong online presence has led to opportunities for Boyd, who has worked with several leading brands. She has also turned her honest and raw approach to blogging into an event series called Find Your Fierce, which began in early 2018.

The events bring together women to discuss everything from womanhood to motherhood, business, marriage and relationships. Emotional wellbeing, positive mental health and mindfulness also play a big role in empowering attendees.

Boyd said the purpose of these events is to encourage women to talk openly about important issues.

“Having honest conversations can be confronting at times; it’s the real conversations that people try to avoid in life,” she said.

“I believe when we are vulnerable it’s when we connect most. I have been through my fair share of tribulations. I found that so many women were reaching out to me for support, advice and guidance so I decided to create a movement where I could make an impact on a bigger scale, inclusively and collectively.”

Boyd describes Find Your Fierce as a ‘life event’, where no topic is off limits and women can be open about their journey, including overcoming hardships through to celebrating their passions and careers.

“Fear restricts us from living life to the brim. The events hopefully inspire women to live fiercely in their pursuits, whatever that may look like for them,” she said.

Kayla Boyd on why she is championing women and advocating mental health

Kayla Boyd with husband Darius and daughter Willow.

Speaking up about mental health

In addition to blogging and running events, Boyd is a passionate advocate for mental health.

Her husband has battled with depression, with his journey playing out in the public eye, so Boyd has seen first-hand the impacts of mental health.

She has been a guest speaker at events that shine a light on mental health, including last year’s Garden City Gala in Toowoomba which raised funds for Black Dog Institute.

“I talk about the effects mental health had on my relationship and myself, and what it’s like to be the support person of someone battling with mental health issues,” Boyd said.

“It’s important to talk about the light at the end of the tunnel because when you’re in it so many people base this as their end point. You can always turn your life around with the right help, support and guidance.

“As they say, ‘it ain’t weak to speak’.”

Boyd understands the importance of maintaining positive mental health and strives every day to contribute to a healthy mindset.

She finds writing down her thoughts in a journal to be particularly helpful and has also reaped the benefits of meditation.

Boyd said practicing mindfulness and gratitude is integral to maintaining good mental health, in addition to eating a healthy diet, working out, and regularly getting out in nature.

“I also have a life coach, because it’s so good to talk to someone about everything you are feeling who is experienced in all realms of life,” she said.

“These are the things that work for me but that doesn’t mean they will work for everyone. You need to find what works for you. It’s all about saying yes to things that make you feel good about yourself and saying no to the things that don’t.”

But not every day is perfect for Boyd, and balancing a career, family and her wellbeing is a continual work in progress.

“The most important relationship in life is the one you have with yourself. Because when you are in check with yourself and you love the person you are, everything else in your life flourishes,” she said.

Sharon Green, editor

Sharon Green

Sharon Green is the founding editor of SHE DEFINED.

An experienced journalist and editor, Sharon has worked in mainstream media in Australia and the United Kingdom.

Forever in search of a publication that confronted the real issues faced by modern women, Sharon decided to create her own.