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The best pet products for women on the go

The best pet products for women on the go


Disclaimer: SHE DEFINED has been compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain reviews or links shared in this article. 

Pets are lovable fuzzballs – but they’re also a lot of work.

When it comes to keeping on top of all their needs, it’s easy to feel like there’s always something to do. This is especially the case if you’re an owner who’s always on the go, with plenty of work and home responsibilities outside of your furry friend.

So why not arm yourself with an inventory of products to streamline your pet’s day-to-day and make your own life easier?

While you may already have all your beautiful pet accessories sorted for the house, there are plenty of products designed specifically for when you’re on the go.

From pet bags to portable water bowls, there is no shortage of nifty things that help in your day to day. Wondering where to start? Here are the best pet products for women on the go.

Their very own pet bag

From treats to travel bowls, our pets (like us) can surprisingly accumulate a lot of things.

Giving your pet its very own bag is a simple but effective way to keep your pet gear organised. No more searching around for a lead or doggie bags at the last minute when you’re trying to get out the door.

By ensuring your pet’s bag stays pre-packed, you can make those on-the-go errands so much easier when you need to bring your fur baby along with you.

Quick and easy options for keeping them hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for pets (and owners!) when you’re out and about. Travel packs allow you to easily store pet food and water on the move, keeping it fresh and ready to go.

Meanwhile, collapsible silicone food and water bowls are a great space-saving invention, easily folded up and slipped into your pet’s bag, only to spring back into shape when needed.

You can even find travel-friendly water bowls that fit snugly around a water bottle, perfect for on-the-go thirst quenching.

Paw-table paw washer to keep them fresh and clean

It’s a scenario dog owners know all too well: you take your dog to the park and the next minute they’re trotting happily through the mud (look at me, mum!).

Gone are the days of trying to wrangle the hose and clean off your dog’s paws after a muddy adventure. A portable paw washer lets you quickly and easily have Fido’s trotters sparkling before jumping back in the car or walking inside the house.

A must-have for any dog owner, these brilliant inventions keep rinsing water securely contained, allowing you to simply dip your furry friend’s paws in one at a time to rinse off the dirt. No more tracking mud all over the place, a portable paw washer will save you all that extra time cleaning, so you can get back to what you need to do (or simply have more time to spend with your pet).

Car safety made easy with doggie seat belts

Doggie seat belts help take the stress out of driving.

While no one wants to think about having a mishap on the road, in the event that something happens, you know that your pooch or puss is strapped up and safeguarded to the best of your ability.

There are plenty of different seat belt options to choose from for both dogs and cats, some of which i​​nclude additional features, such as padding for added comfort, or even an entire doggy booster seat.

Whether you’re heading off on a road trip or simply ducking to the shops for groceries, with the right seat belt, you can breathe easy knowing your pet is safely strapped for the ride.

Consider dog treats for pain and anxiety

Getting out and about with your dog is likely a favourite pastime for you both, but it’s good to keep in mind whether your dog experiences pain or anxiety that may hold them back from enjoying such activities.

There are a range of pet treats on the market formulated with organic ingredients, as well as hemp, to aid in naturally soothing joint pain and anxiety in dogs.

Some CBD dog treats come in chewable form, making it easy for your furry friend to digest, and are packed with glucosamine, chondroitin, turmeric and other natural ingredients to offer a safe way to treat ailments like hip and joint pain.

Share the load on longer hikes

We’ve spoken about having a dedicated bag for your dog or cat, but what about one they can carry themselves? Enter the harness with storage. Just like a regular harness, but with a cute little pup backpack attached, this is a perfect option for storing those smaller items like doggy bags, treats and walking gear.

Perfect for those shorter walks where you don’t want to bring too many items, or even longer hikes where you may already be carrying a lot, harness storage allows you to keep those pet essentials close at hand, ensuring you always know where to find them. Plus, it’ll make your pup feel independent (well, we’d like to think so!).

The secret to great organisation is having a system in place (with plenty of hacks) that helps you stay on top of things. With these simple products, you’ll be well on your way to streamlining life with your pet, no matter if you’re at home or on the go, so you can get back to the important things (like cuddles).


Disclaimer: SHE DEFINED has been compensated in exchange for featured placement of certain reviews or links shared in this article.Â