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Planning a girls’ getaway? Add these activities to your itinerary

Planning a girls’ getaway? Add these activities to your itinerary

Gumbuya World

This article was made possible thanks to Gumbuya World, an amusement park located in Tynong North, Victoria.

Learn more at

When the stars finally align and you and your closest girlfriends’ schedules and lifestyles allow for a girls’ getaway, you want to make the most of it.

Those rare times spent together are an opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime, but if you want to get the most out of your break, it does require a little pre-planning.

If a girls’ getaway is on the cards in the not-too-distant future, here are some fun and unique ideas of things to include on the itinerary that will make your trip one to remember.

Go on a hike

Okay, so not everyone is outdoorsy, but if you do feel up to it, a nature hike is a great way to take in some beautiful scenery and fresh air while also getting some exercise in.

Whether you’re in the mountains, by the ocean or in the countryside, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find some great hiking opportunities that aren’t too far away from your accommodation.

Check out the local food spots

Sampling the local fare should always be high on the agenda for any girls’ trip.

Make sure to do your research in advance to find out what the must-try venues and dishes are in the area you’re visiting.

Once you have a list, work out what most appeals to the majority of the group, and remember to make your reservations early so you don’t find yourself disappointed at the eleventh hour.

Relive your childhood

For most of us, the older we get, the more serious we get — so a girls’ trip is a great opportunity to shake things up and revert back to your yesteryear, remembering the carefree days of your childhood.

Try out some theme parks, go for a trail ride on horseback, floor it with some go-karting, or play a round of putt-putt golf. There’s guaranteed to be plenty of laughs and good times!

Take a dance or cooking class

What better way to bond with your girlfriends than by learning something new together?

A dance class or cooking class is a great way to have some fun, try something new and let loose with your besties.

Even if you think you have two left feet or don’t consider yourself a culinary whiz, most classes are designed for beginners so there’s no need to worry — just give it a go!

Head out on a picnic

One of the simplest but most enjoyable things you can do on any trip away with your girlfriends is to pack a picnic lunch and head to a nearby park or beach for the afternoon.

It’s a great opportunity to catch up without distractions, enjoy some good food and get some Vitamin D too!

Go on a road trip

There’s nothing better than spending time with friends engaging in an activity that allows you to catch up with one another. Going on a road trip is the perfect way to do that. All that time spent in the car means you’ll get to discover new things about each other. Plus, you’ll get to see the world with your favourite people!

If you’re planning on doing a road trip, make sure your car is well prepared. Inspect your tyres, gas tank, and lights. You may also want to add some car accessories. For instance, you can invest in high-quality seat covers to make your road trip more comfortable.

Do absolutely nothing

With all the excitement of your trip, it can be easy to forget to schedule in some down time to get refreshed and rejuvenated before you head back to the reality of your busy schedule.

Prepare some tasty snacks, crack open a bottle of something delicious, put on a face mask, chit chat, and watch old movies until the wee hours of the morning. What could be more relaxing than simply sharing in each other’s company?

As you can see, there are several different ways you can enjoy a girls’ getaway. Hopefully some of the above points will inspire your next trip.

Gumbuya World

This article was made possible thanks to Gumbuya World, an amusement park located in Tynong North, Victoria.

Learn more at