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Tips for navigating perimenopause

Tips for navigating perimenopause

If 50 is the new 40, and 40 is the new 30, then perimenopause is the new hot topic among women’s pre-menopause.

We all know that understanding our body is vital when it comes to living a happy, healthy lifestyle — and navigating what feels like the precursor to what has long been referred to as ‘change of life’ is no exception.

Perimenopause, or menopause for that matter, are not diseases; they are a natural part of life, and the best way to handle them are by nourishing your body.

When my patients who are going through perimenopause start working with me on nourishing their bodies, I often see incredibly positive results in their lifestyle and overall health and mental wellbeing.

Knowing how to recognise perimenopause symptoms and understanding the reasons why it occurs is crucial in supporting your body and guiding it through a healthy menopause experience.

What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause commonly affects women between the ages of 35 and 50. That being said, I’m starting to see women as young as 30 present with symptoms.

That’s why it’s important that women are aware of what changes can occur.

Perimenopause is the result of three key hormonal changes:

  1. Decline in progesterone – when progesterone levels decline and oestrogen levels remain stable or increase, this can cause several symptoms including weight gain, mood swings, and insomnia.
  2. Reduced testosterone levels – a decline in the hormone testosterone can cause a reduced sex drive, general lack of energy and ambition, and a reduction in muscle mass.
  3. Lower oestrogen levels – oestrogen levels naturally lower leading up to menopause, due to our ovaries reducing the production of oestrogen. This process includes the elevation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH), which triggers the symptoms of menopause. Symptoms of low oestrogen include hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and urinary incontinence.

Signs you may be experiencing perimenopause

If you are experiencing some of the following symptoms, you may be perimenopausal:

  • Irregular periods
  • Hot flushes
  • Lowered libido
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Stress
  • Fatigue.

5 simple steps to navigating perimenopause

There are some things you can do to manage perimenopause, including the following:

Step 1: Prioritise your detoxification systems

Allowing your body’s detoxification and elimination systems to work efficiently is crucial during perimenopause. This means prioritising your liver and digestive function.

I suggest trying a liver support supplement that contains natural amino acids and herbal medicines.

Step 2: Regulate hormones

Your hormonal control centre, which regulates your hormones, shifts during perimenopause.

Often diet and lifestyle changes are not enough to correct this imbalance. This is where our natural approach to balancing your hormones with our Happy Hormones supplements can be beneficial.

Step 3: Manage your stress levels

We know how busy our lives become and we often put ourselves last on the list when it comes to self-care. However, built up stress can be detrimental to your health.

Stress can affect the endocrine balance to the adrenals, resulting in feeling exhausted all the time and not being able to manage the additional production of oestrogen required for menopause.

Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep, regular exercise, and a good support system around you to provide emotional support is key. Take time to prioritise yourself too!

Step 4: Reduce your sugar intake

A high sugar intake is one of the biggest blocks to overcoming menopausal symptoms. Cut out all sugar to help your body acclimatise during perimenopause.

Step 5: Improve hormone metabolism

Poor hormone metabolism allows oestrogen levels to rise against progesterone, leading to heightened perimenopausal symptoms.

Our Happy Healthy You Happy Greens has been designed to improve liver and bowel function to aid in removing excess oestrogen and enhance hormone metabolism in the liver.

 For further information or advice, connect with Tahlia via the Happy Healthy You community groups or listen to the Happy Healthy You Podcast.

If you feel like you’re not firing on all cylinders, it’s worth doing an assessment. Tahlia and her team at Happy Healthy You offer a free online health assessment – it takes just a few minutes and could be a game-changer.

The wellbeing team also offers a full suite of free resources, from articles to recipes to access and clinicians. For more details and to see the products they offer, head to the Happy Healthy You website.

Tahlia Thomas

This article was written by Tahlia Thomas, an Integrative Nutritionist with a BHSc in Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine who specialises in GIT function and women’s health.

She is a women’s health coach and nutritionist for Happy Healthy You, an Australian-based health and lifestyle company, established by Olympian Lisa Curry and Naturopath, Women’s Hormonal Specialist and Author Jeff Butterworth, to provide women with information, products, and natural alternatives to hormonal imbalance.

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