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Is the phrase ‘It’s not that bad’ holding you back in life?

Is the phrase 'It's not that bad' holding you back in life?

Authenticity coach Kat John.

How many times have you found yourself saying “It’s not that bad” to justify staying in a situation you know isn’t serving you?

Whether it’s about a job, a relationship, or even your own self-care, we’ve all been there — stuck in the limbo between dissatisfaction and the fear of disrupting the status quo. The truth is, “It’s not that bad” can become the very thing that keeps you from living a truly beautiful, authentic life.

I’ve seen this pattern unfold time and time again, both in my own life and in the lives of the people I coach. People stay in situations because they aren’t completely unbearable. The job doesn’t light you up, but it pays the bills. The relationship feels like it’s on autopilot, but at least you’re not alone. The routines you’ve established doesn’t fulfill you, but they’re comfortable, so why shake things up?

The problem with this mindset is that it stops you from stepping into something better. “It’s not that bad” keeps you in a space of compromise. You tolerate a lack of fulfillment because you convince yourself that things could be worse. But when did “not the worst” become the standard? The longer you hang onto “not that bad”, the further you drift from what could actually be great.

Tune into your inner voice

Here’s where the real issue lies: when you keep telling yourself it’s not that bad, you slowly start rejecting your authentic self. Every time you push aside that nagging feeling that you deserve more, you shut down a piece of who you truly are.

Living authentically means tuning into your inner voice — the one that whispers (or sometimes shouts) that something doesn’t feel right. It’s about having the courage to question your comfort zone that “not that bad” creates, and challenge the narrative you’ve become so used to.

Think about it. How many areas of your life have you labelled as “not that bad” instead of allowing yourself to imagine what “truly amazing” could look like? Whether it’s staying in a stagnant career or in friendships that feel draining, the idea of “not that bad” is just another form of settling. And every time you settle, you lose a little bit more of your authentic spark.

The beauty of living authentically is that it requires you to take responsibility for your life and make decisions that are aligned with who you truly are, not who you think you should be. It’s about refusing to accept mediocrity when you know deep down that there’s something more.

But let me be clear — this isn’t about making impulsive decisions or turning your life upside down overnight. It’s about listening to that quiet voice inside that’s urging you to explore what could be, rather than what’s just good enough.

Authentic by Kat John

Be open to possibilities

Often, people hesitate to break free from “not that bad” because of fear — fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of being judged. But fear is never a good reason to hold yourself back. In fact, those fears can become a source of growth if we’re willing to confront them. When you make the choice to honour your authenticity over your comfort zone, you start to open up possibilities you never thought existed.

I’ve been there myself. I’ve had to face the fear of leaving behind situations that were “not that bad” but were definitely not aligned with my truth. And every time I’ve stepped out of that comfort zone, it’s led me closer to the life I want to live — one that’s full of meaning, fulfillment, and joy. That’s the thing about authenticity — it’s not just about being true to yourself in the easy moments, it’s about making choices that are aligned with your core values, even when it’s uncomfortable or scary.

And here’s the kicker: when you stop accepting “not that bad,” you also stop settling for less than what you’re worth. You raise your standards in relationships, careers, and the way you treat yourself. You start to trust yourself more, and that trust becomes the foundation for living a life that’s truly aligned with your deepest desires.

Have the courage to let go of what’s not serving you

So, if you find yourself stuck in a place of “it’s not that bad,” ask yourself: what would happen if you stopped settling? What if you allowed yourself to believe that life could be more than just okay — that it could be beautiful, fulfilling, and full of possibility? That’s when you’ll start to see the magic unfold. Because when you give up “not that bad”, you make space for the kind of life that reflects who you really are.

Living authentically is about doing the hard work of getting honest with yourself, taking responsibility for your choices, and having the courage to let go of what’s not serving you.

It’s not always easy, but the reward is a life that’s deeply rooted in who you truly are. That’s the kind of life worth living. And it all starts by refusing to settle for anything less than what lights you up from the inside out.

Kat John

This article was written by Kat John, an authenticity coach, keynote speaker, podcast host, creator of the ZEROFKS movement and epic in real life events. Her book Authentic is out now.

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