Emma Lennon
Emma Lennon is a passionate writer, editor and community development professional. With over ten years’ experience in the disability, health and advocacy sectors, Emma is dedicated to creating work that highlights important social issues.
Articles by Emma:
‘Reply only’ friendships: how to deal with a friend who never initiates
Emma Lennon | September 15, 2023
If a lack of reciprocity in your friendship is negatively impacting you, here’s how you can make a change.
The importance of stillness: Why it’s imperative to make time to do nothing
Emma Lennon | September 11, 2023
If you can’t remember the last time you felt still and alert in the present moment, this guide argues why doing nothing is the key to a better life.
Night-time routine: 9 things every woman should do after 9pm
Emma Lennon | September 1, 2023
Implementing a night-time routine is a great way to create a ritual that signals to your body that you are winding down for the day.
‘Connection is vital’: Child-free groups offer women support and solace
Emma Lennon and Sharon Green | August 31, 2023
Child-free women are increasingly turning to dedicated groups to find acceptance and support from like-minded peers.
Mind and Soul
How to heal a dysregulated nervous system
Emma Lennon | August 21, 2023
Experiencing stress is normal but what do you do when this response becomes dysregulated and it sends your nervous system into overdrive?
5 signs that your meditation practice is working
Emma Lennon | August 18, 2023
Some people struggle to meditate due to false expectations, but there are signs that show when your mediation practice is working.
Why the phrase ‘you don’t know what tired feels like’ belittles child-free women
Emma Lennon | August 16, 2023
The idea that child-free women don’t understand ‘true tiredness’ is an outdated view of the range of pressures that come with modern living.
What is self-compassion, and can it make you happier?
Emma Lennon | August 2, 2023
Self-compassion means giving acceptance, kindness, and support to ourselves, even when we like ourselves the least.
Female leadership roles are declining. Here’s why
Emma Lennon | July 19, 2023
The rate of women hired for senior leadership roles significantly dropped in the first quarter of 2023 after a few years of gradual improvements.