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Emma Lennon

Emma Lennon

Emma Lennon is a passionate writer, editor and community development professional. With over ten years’ experience in the disability, health and advocacy sectors, Emma is dedicated to creating work that highlights important social issues.

Articles by Emma:

The loneliness of being at a different life stage to your friends

The loneliness of being at a different life stage to your friends

As you age, it’s inevitable that your friends will reach milestones at different times, making you feel left behind. Here’s how to handle that.

Women in business: Meet Sarah Quinney, co-founder of Boardsox

Women in business: Meet Sarah Quinney, co-founder of Boardsox

Sarah Quinney, the co-founder of Boardsox, is connecting the surfing community back to its core values, one sustainable surfboard cover at a time.

How to manage anxiety in dogs

How to manage anxiety in dogs

Nicole Rous, a veterinarian and founder of Shy Tiger, shares her expertise in how we can manage anxiety in our four-legged friends.

Meet Melissa Devereaux, founder of Laila and Me

Women in business: Meet Melissa Devereaux, founder of Laila and Me

Melissa Devereaux, founder of Laila and Me, is on a mission to change the pet food industry, one dog treat at a time.

Activism vs reactivism: How to use social media for good

Activism vs reactivism: How to use social media for good

What’s the difference between making a real impact online and reacting unconsciously to every upsetting news story that pops up in our feed?

You’ve stopped drinking. Now what? How to be sober and social

You’ve stopped drinking. Now what? How to be sober and social

Have you had to cut back on alcohol or ditch it completely? Here’s how to handle social situations if you’ve decided to stop drinking.


Healthism: The bias harming two-thirds of Australians

Body weight discrimination is contributing to healthism, a bias that remains more socially accepted than other types of prejudice.

Why do we have a lack of enthusiasm and energy for life post lockdown?

Why do we have a lack of enthusiasm and energy for life post lockdown?

Finding it hard to seek motivation and squeeze as much into your days as you did pre-pandemic? Here’s why.

The lost art of waiting: Why anticipation makes us happier

The lost art of waiting: Why anticipation makes us happier

As we navigate life after a few years spent on hold, making and anticipating plans can actually make us happier. Here’s how.