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Whether you want to know how to succeed as a woman in the workplace or whether you’re looking to other businesswomen for advice, this is the place for the career-driven female.

Great resignation or great reshuffle?

Great resignation or great reshuffle?

Predictions of mass resignations from jobs during the pandemic is a hot topic, but is it more about reassessing what we want from our lives?

10 keys to collaboration with Kate Osborne

10 keys to collaboration with Kate Osborne

Whether your team works together in an office or remotely, success lies in collaboration. Here are some tips from leader Kate Osborne.

How to avoid the Christmas debt trap

5 ways to avoid the Christmas debt trap

Excessive spending during the festive season can lead to what’s known as a ‘financial hangover’ come January. Here's how you can avoid it.

4 lesser-known cryptocurrencies you should consider buying

Hidden gems of crypto: 4 lesser-known currencies you should consider buying

It’s still possible to be a part of the cryptocurrency hype and reap huge profits. Consider these lesser-known currencies as part of your portfolio.

Whose career should be prioritised in a relationship?

Whose career should be prioritised in a relationship?

For today's modern couples, deciding whose career takes top priority within the relationship is becoming more nuanced and complex.

6 female leaders who quit their job and found something better

6 female leaders who quit their job and found something better

Six inspiring female leaders who took the leap of faith and found a better career path share their stories and lessons.

The 10 most reread business books of all time

The 10 most re-read business books of all time

Consider this list your personal MBA, each book packed with so many nuggets of information that you’ll want to revisit them every couple of years.

Why women need to stop saving money and start investing

Why women need to stop saving money – and start investing

Research shows that women are considered investors who take a long-term approach, often earning greater returns than male investors.

5 top tips for pursuing a career in STEM

Women in technology: 5 top tips for pursuing a career in STEM

One woman working in a tech marketing role shares how she pursued a career in a male-dominated industry.