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From negotiating your first pay rise to climbing the corporate ladder, we share tips for women who want to succeed in the workplace.

Spinal cord injury prompts Dr Olivia Ong to prioritise own wellbeing

Paralysis to walking: How a spinal cord injury transformed Dr Olivia Ong’s outlook

Dr Olivia Ong was warned she may never walk again. Now she is leading the way for others to practice medicine from the heart.

I got 3 promotions in 3 years

I got 3 promotions in 3 years — here’s how I did it

These are the guiding principles that propelled my career growth. I use them to this day to achieve my goals — and now you can too.

This is Why Everyone Should Have a Whyography

This is why everyone should have a ‘Whyography’

Your 'why' is what makes you uniquely you – and this is why it is so important to have a 'Whyography'.

Meet the women in video production defying the gender divide

Meet the women in video production defying the gender divide

Long has the video production industry been dominated by men, but these women are defying the gender divide and forging successful careers.

Networking tips: The best networkers do these 9 things differently

Networking tips: The best networkers do these 9 things differently

Are you ready to completely elevate your networking game? Then adopt these nine things that the best networkers do differently.

5 underrated career moves that can boost your earning potential

5 underrated career moves that can boost your earning potential

When it comes to career moves that can increase your earning potential, a focus on long-term investments instead of short-term gains is key.

6 signs the job isn’t going to meet your salary expectations

6 signs the job isn’t going to meet your salary expectations

Here, recruiters and career experts share how to spot a job that won’t meet your salary expectations.

The difference between ambition and grit — and why they matter in the workplace

The difference between ambition and grit — and why they matter in the workplace

Two of the most critical interpersonal feats to master are ambition and grit, and this is why you need both to succeed in the workplace.

5 must-read marketing books written by women

5 must-read marketing books written by women

These books, written by women, will challenge you to think differently about marketing concepts and how they can be applied in the real world.