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From negotiating your first pay rise to climbing the corporate ladder, we share tips for women who want to succeed in the workplace.

Women struggle to regain lost ground in workforce after pandemic

Women struggle to regain lost ground in workforce after pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated social and economic inequality for women, and they have been slower to return to work than men.

Which industries and fields have seen growth for women?

Representation in Australia: Which industries and fields have seen growth for women?

With the increasing number of women now having access to higher education, career prospects have significantly opened for them.

How to stop being a people pleaser in 3 simple steps

How to stop being a people pleaser in 3 simple steps

If you’re a people pleaser, you become a magnet for other people’s priorities at the detriment of your own. Here's how to break the habit.

Australia's female authors only earn $18,200 a year from writing

Two thirds of Australian authors are women, but they earn just $18,200 a year from writing

While author incomes have (very slightly) grown, they remain perilously low – making it hard to find time to write.

Why switching off from work is key to boosting your productivity

Why switching off from work is key to boosting your productivity

Taking the time to ‘switch off’ is critical to work performance and in being better humans for ourselves and those around us, writes Roxanne Calder.

5 signs it’s time to quit your job (and how to do it gracefully)

5 signs it’s time to quit your job (and how to do it gracefully)

How do you know when it’s time to quit? These are the five warning signs that it is likely time to move on to a new job.

Are you paying a ‘loyalty tax’ at work? Here’s what it’s costing you

Are you paying a ‘loyalty tax’ at work? Here’s what it’s costing you

Loyalty tax can take many forms, including lower salaries, fewer promotions, and reduced access to training and development programs.

Australian women mostly working in same jobs since 1980s

Australian women mostly working in same jobs since 1980s

While women are participating in the paid workforce more than ever, they continue to work in the same jobs they've have always had.

How online note-sharing communities empower female leaders

How online note-sharing communities at universities are empowering the next female leaders

Digital note-taking platforms have risen to meet increasing demands for convenience and collaboration. Here's how it's helping women.