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From workouts to fitness advice, fit tech and active products, we’re here to help you get fitter and healthier.

Steph Claire Smith’s quick and low effort end-of-day workout

Steph Claire Smith’s quick and low effort end-of-day workout

Steph Claire Smith, co-founder of Keep It Cleaner (KIC), shares a low-effort workout for evenings when she'd rather be in bed.

8 reasons why you’re not seeing results from exercising

8 reasons why you’re not seeing results from exercising

There are common underlying factors that make some people benefit from working out more than others do.

How my commitment to fitness almost destroyed my health

How my commitment to fitness almost destroyed my health

Despite my knowledge of the dangers of restrictive diets, the allure of the ‘fit girl’ aesthetic led me down a path that could have cost me my life.

The best workout for sore joints

The best workouts to build strength, burn calories, manage sore joints

From low-impact exercise for sore joints to calorie burning fitness classes, these are the best workouts for different outcomes.

4 simple steps to move more and feel good

4 simple steps to move more and feel good

With most of us living sedentary lives, it's important that we move more to feel energised, happy and upbeat. Here's some tips for doing just that!

Exercise and fitness: Yoga found to be as good for the brain as cardio

Yoga found to be as good for the brain as cardio

Yoga strengthens many of the same brain networks as aerobic exercise, a new study has found.

The best 10-minute home workout routines to get results

The best 10-minute home workout routines to get results

Personal trainers and fitness experts share their top 10-minute home workout routines that will help you shed fat and get results quickly.

These are the top 8 podcasts to listen to while working out

These are the top podcasts to listen to while working out

Whether you’re into pop culture, impactful storytelling or just want something to laugh at while you’re sweating it out, there’s a podcast to suit.

This is why you find it hard to exercise during lockdown

This is why you find it so hard to exercise during lockdown

Working out during the coronavirus pandemic has presented a unique challenge, and this study reveals why you're finding it difficult to exercise.