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For everything from mental wellbeing to soothing the spirit, our articles on the mind and soul have got you covered.

5 ways to elevate your morning routine

5 ways to elevate your morning routine: From breathtaking breakfast to brilliant bedroom organisation

It's easy to fall into a rut of hitting snooze, but taking the time to elevate your morning routine can make all the difference.

Healthy selfishness: what is it and how can it help you set boundaries?

Healthy selfishness: what is it and how can it help you set boundaries?

Healthy selfishness urges you to set boundaries and prioritise yourself, rather than putting the needs of others first. Here’s why it’s important.

Why women should embrace a ‘soft life’

Why women should embrace a ‘soft life’

Many women are embracing the ‘soft life’ – a lifestyle that rejects the struggle, stress and hustle that modern day living demands.

Why it’s time for women to reclaim their confidence

Why it’s time for women to reclaim their confidence

Simply telling women to ‘be more confident’ misses the point. So, what are the unwritten rules women are supposed to follow?

What is brain fog and how can you treat it?

What is brain fog and how can you treat it?

When brain fog persists over an extended period, with no obvious cause, it could be a concern. Here’s what brain fog is and how it can be treated.

Why we need to stop glamourising healing from trauma

Why we need to stop glamourising healing from trauma

It’s time our pop culture stopped presenting emotional healing as a fairy tale. The healing process can be messy and complicated, writes Lisa Cox.

Alba Thermal Springs and Spa

A guide to the best hot springs, spas and bathhouses in Victoria

If you’re in need of a hot soak, a steam or some pampering, treat yourself to one of the state’s best spas and hot springs.

Passion and purpose: How women can find their ‘why’

Passion and purpose: How women can find their ‘why’

We’re often told to find our passion or purpose, but we’re rarely told how to achieve it. Here are some simple steps to finding your ‘why’.

Why organised people are less stressed and more productive

Why organised people are less stressed and more productive

Here’s why being organised and creating better systems at home is the key to living a satisfying, liberating and more productive life.