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When it comes to health, fitness, the mind and soul, we know that maintaining a sound wellbeing is important to leading a happy and fulfilling life.

I meditated for 10 minutes every day and this is what happened

I meditated for 10 minutes every day and this is what happened

In an effort to find more internal balance, I challenged myself to meditate for 10 minutes every day – and the benefits were valuable.

Removing the stigma of seeing a therapist

Removing the stigma of seeing a therapist

In an attempt to remove the stigma of seeing a therapist, Emma Lovell and Sharon Green share their stories.

Laura Henshaw talks health, wellbeing and running Keep It Cleaner - She Defined

Women in business: Laura Henshaw talks health, wellbeing and running Keep It Cleaner

Laura Henshaw is a model, law student and entrepreneur, and she’s inspiring women all over Australia. Learn more about her in this story.

It’s OK to not be OK: Removing the mental health stigma

It’s OK to not be OK: Removing the mental health stigma

Mental illness impacts your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It’s taken me a long time to understand that it’s OK to not feel OK.

Can't sleep? How to manage insomnia, according to psychologist Dr Lillian Nejad

Can’t sleep? How to manage insomnia, according to psychologist Dr Lillian Nejad

Everybody understands the frustration of a poor night’s sleep. But how do those of us who experience continuous sleepless nights overcome it?

The unexpected benefits of visiting the beach every day for 7 weeks

The unexpected benefits of visiting the beach every day for 7 weeks

At the end of last year, I set myself a challenge: to go to the beach every day for seven weeks. I discovered some surprising benefits.

I did a silent meditation retreat. This is what I learned

I did a silent meditation retreat. This is what I learned

Silence is golden. It’s a phrase we hear so often but many of us find it challenging to do in practice. A Vipassana is exactly that – silence.

What I learned from doing a 24-hour digital detox

What I learned from doing a 24-hour digital detox

In a world of digital devices and being constantly connected to the internet, we’re often told how beneficial it can be to have time away from these...