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How to break free from the high-achiever trap

How to break free from the high-achiever trap

This is how you can stop valuing yourself based on your workload or wins, and instead redefine what success truly means to you.

6 simple ways to inhabit the present moment

6 simple ways to inhabit the present moment

Use these mindfulness practices to anchor your­self in the present moment by reconnecting to your primary experience.

5 self-sabotaging career moves and how to avoid them

5 self-sabotaging career moves and how to avoid them

Workplace expert Roxanne Calder shares five self-sabotaging moves that commonly occur at the early career stage, and how to avoid them.

Strength training or resistance training? Find out what works best for you

Strength training or resistance training? Find out what works best for you

The terms strength training and resistance training are often used interchangeably. But there is a difference between the two approaches.

These two words are keeping you stuck

These two words are keeping you stuck

After a major life change, Dr Michelle McQuaid found there were two words that held her – and many other women – back. Here's how to break free.

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Meet Cinzia Buono, restaurateur and co-owner of Buono, Sincero

Women in business: Meet Cinzia Buono, restaurateur and co-owner of Buono and Sincero

Cinzia Buono defied the odds and opened two restaurants during very challenging times. Here's how she did it.

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9 high-protein, low-calorie foods that are perfect for healthy snacking

Protein is an important nutrient to aid weight loss. Here are some high-protein, low-calorie foods that are perfect for snacking.

I travelled to Thailand for a wellness retreat. This is how it went

I travelled to Thailand for a wellness retreat. Here’s how it went

Here’s how a wellness retreat in Thailand helped writer Danielle Phyland to find the perfect balance of fitness and relaxation.

Reply only friendships: how to deal with a friend who never initiates

‘Reply only’ friendships: how to deal with a friend who never initiates

If a lack of reciprocity in your friendship is negatively impacting you, here’s how you can make a change.

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‘Deinfluencing’: The latest trend to beat overconsumption and save money

Deinfluencing is the latest trend to remove rose-coloured glasses when purchasing items. Read on to learn what this new movement is all about.

How to get over an ex or former friend

How to get over an ex or former friend, according to a therapist and friendship expert

With gentle self-inquiry and reflection, break-ups can teach valuable lessons about ourselves and what we want from our connections.

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From safety and amenities to schools and community vibes, there are various factors to consider when choosing the perfect neighbourhood.

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Tokyo invites you on a cultural adventure catering to culinary enthusiasts, history buffs, and those seeking a peaceful escape.

How to heal childhood trauma and the impact it has on you

How to heal childhood trauma and the impact it has on you

Clinical psychotherapist Jennifer Nurick explains how a holistic approach to therapy can help people heal from childhood trauma.

How the MAGIC formula can transform the way you work

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The MAGIC framework offers a tailored solution for individuals, teams and entire organisations, providing a road map to get work to work again.

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Kiley Reid’s book Come and Get It explores money, status and desire

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Face cream and moisturiser: identical or different products?

Face cream and moisturiser: identical or different products?

If you’re getting into skincare, you’ve probably heard the terms 'cream' and 'moisturiser'. Are they the same or different products?

SHE DEFINED - Career, Wellbeing, Food, Life, Travel, Style

SHE DEFINED is an online publication for smart, savvy women who are in search of more. It’s for the career makers, business creators, adventure seekers, health enthusiasts and, most importantly, it’s for those who are forging their own path. If you’ve ever challenged the status quo or thought about breaking free from conventions, then you’ve come to the right place.

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