A Girl In Progress

A Girl In Progress

This article is syndicated from A Girl In Progress, a former lifestyle blog for women who are working on themselves, for themselves. They believe it’s possible to strive to become the best version of yourself, while simultaneously accepting yourself exactly as you are.

Articles by A Girl In Progress:

How (and why) to let passion drive everything you do

How (and why) to let passion drive everything you do

Liz Ferro shares her tips on how to ignite your passion and help you gain the courage to pursue our goals and dreams.

5 craft hobbies to combat anxiety

5 craft hobbies to combat anxiety

If you experience worry and unease, it might be time to get creative in the ways you reduce the effects of anxiety.

3 tough conversations you need to have as a career woman

3 tough conversations you need to have as a career woman

For women in positions of power, here are some guidelines on the three most difficult conversations you will likely face in your career.

4 simple steps to move more and feel good

4 simple steps to move more and feel good

With most of us living sedentary lives, it's important that we move more to feel energised, happy and upbeat. Here's some tips for doing just that!

This is Why Everyone Should Have a Whyography

This is why everyone should have a ‘Whyography’

Your 'why' is what makes you uniquely you – and this is why it is so important to have a 'Whyography'.

4 essential tips for running a home business

4 essential tips for running a home business

Here are a few tips for running a home business and staying focused and productive each day of the week.

17 super simple mindfulness exercises to try right now

17 super simple mindfulness exercises to try right now

Mindfulness doesn't have to look like sitting on the floor and closing your eyes – here are 17 other ways to make your day more mindful.

How to take imperfect action in every area of your life

How to take imperfect action in every area of your life

Imperfect action can be applied to any area of your life to quickly accelerate your progress towards your goals. Here's how.

9 female mental health champions to follow on Instagram

Female mental health champions to follow on Instagram

These brave women are the mental health advocates everyone needs to follow on Instagram.