Emma Lennon
Emma Lennon is a passionate writer, editor and community development professional. With over ten years’ experience in the disability, health and advocacy sectors, Emma is dedicated to creating work that highlights important social issues.
Articles by Emma:
How (and why) to give women compliments that aren’t based on appearance
Emma Lennon | November 17, 2023
Complimenting a woman based on her appearance reduces their worth to what they look like. Here’s how you can change that unhelpful habit.
What to do when a friend doesn’t value your friendship as much as you do
Emma Lennon | November 15, 2023
While perfectly balanced reciprocity in friendships is rare, what can you do when it seems like a friend doesn't value a friendship as much as you do?
The importance of setting boundaries
Emma Lennon | November 8, 2023
When used correctly, boundary setting is an incredible assertiveness skill that could change your life.
The unspoken bias that child-free working women face
Emma Lennon | October 27, 2023
Work-life balance is harder for child-free women employees to obtain, due to an unspoken bias in the workplace.
How unrealistic beauty standards profit from women’s insecurities
Emma Lennon | October 20, 2023
As the beauty industry profits from exploiting appearance-based insecurities, women should question why they uphold unrealistic beauty standards.
What is skin cycling, and is it healthy for your complexion?
Emma Lennon | October 9, 2023
Skin cycling represents a shift from a one-product-fits-all approach to an acknowledgment of the changing needs of our skin.
5 benefits of being grateful and how to practise gratitude daily
Emma Lennon | October 6, 2023
Feeling grateful can seem like a challenge during uncertain times but adopting an attitude of gratitude can change your life for the better.
The science of journalling and why it is so beneficial
Emma Lennon | September 22, 2023
Recording your thoughts and ideas in a journal can have positive health benefits. Here's how you can make the most of journalling.
How a ‘Focus Friday’ could transform your work week
Emma Lennon | September 21, 2023
A ‘Focus Friday’ can make you more productive, less stressed, and better able to switch off on weekends. Here’s how it could transform your week.