Interesting people, complex issues, relationships and challenging the status quo – we’re all about exploring the topics that make up the fabric of life.
Why I’m doing a self-imposed buying ban, and how you can too
Emma Lovell | January 24, 2018
At the start of the year I set myself a challenge: buy nothing new, except for essentials, for four whole months. Simple, right?
Why I didn’t change my last name after getting married
Sharon Green | October 11, 2017
What's in a name? The thought of giving mine away when I got married was not something that sat comfortably with me.
3 books that have influenced my career
Sharon Green | September 20, 2017
These books have influenced me, on a personal and professional level, and been a catalyst for change or development in my career.
I’m 30, undecided about having children, and it’s making me anxious
Sharon Green | August 27, 2017
To have children or not? That is the question that has been consuming my thoughts and feeling undecided about having a baby is making me anxious.