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Interesting people, complex issues, relationships and challenging the status quo – we’re all about exploring the topics that make up the fabric of life.

Why I’m doing a self-imposed buying ban, and how you can too

Why I’m doing a self-imposed buying ban, and how you can too

At the start of the year I set myself a challenge: buy nothing new, except for essentials, for four whole months. Simple, right?

Sharon Green wedding day

Why I didn’t change my last name after getting married

What's in a name? The thought of giving mine away when I got married was not something that sat comfortably with me.

3 books that have influenced my career

3 books that have influenced my career

These books have influenced me, on a personal and professional level, and been a catalyst for change or development in my career.

I’m undecided about having children and it’s making me anxious

I’m 30, undecided about having children, and it’s making me anxious

To have children or not? That is the question that has been consuming my thoughts and feeling undecided about having a baby is making me anxious.