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For everything from mental wellbeing to soothing the spirit, our articles on the mind and soul have got you covered.

Are you an emotional spender? These are the signs to look for

Are you an emotional spender? These are the signs to look for

Are you someone who spends money during a period of heightened emotions? Here’s how to recognise if you’re an emotional spender.

Festive burnout: How women can avoid burnout this holiday season

How women can avoid burnout this holiday season

Making a deliberate choice to nurture yourself this holiday season is the perfect way to avoid burnout and revive your Christmas spirit.

How to build a self-care plan in 5 easy steps

How to build a self-care plan in 5 easy steps

If you are seeking to balance the pressure of life better, here are five steps to build your self-care plan.

Things we do that make anxiety worse

Things we do that make anxiety worse

These are some common behaviours that ease anxiety in the moment, but keep us stuck in the long term.

Why do we have a lack of enthusiasm and energy for life post lockdown?

Why do we have a lack of enthusiasm and energy for life post lockdown?

Finding it hard to seek motivation and squeeze as much into your days as you did pre-pandemic? Here’s why.

The lost art of waiting: Why anticipation makes us happier

The lost art of waiting: Why anticipation makes us happier

As we navigate life after a few years spent on hold, making and anticipating plans can actually make us happier. Here’s how.

Staring at an image of yourself on Zoom has serious consequences for mental health – especially for women

Staring at an image of yourself on Zoom has serious consequences for mental health – especially for women

Zoom calls are a perfect storm for self-objectification and that the harms disproportionately affect women, research shows.

How to find enjoyment in life when every day feels hard

How to find enjoyment in life when every day feels hard

Try these small, actionable steps to make the days feel a little easier and more enjoyable – even when the going gets tough.

6 ways to improve your self-motivation

6 ways to improve your self-motivation

Self-motivated women make decisions and back themselves. Try these six tips to improve your self-motivation.