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7 ways to better disconnect from work

7 ways to better disconnect from work

Switching off and finding time to go slow in a world that rewards busyness is challenging. But there are steps you can take.

How to beat overwhelm if your to-do list is never-ending

How to beat overwhelm if your to-do list is never-ending

What changes can you make individually to calm your nervous system and reduce overwhelm? Here are seven tips.

Crucial lessons I learned from my quarter-life crisis

Crucial lessons I learned from my quarter-life crisis

After experiencing a quarter-life crisis, I found myself starting a journey that was led by a clear purpose and total passion.

6 ways to get over your fear of failure

6 ways to get over your fear of failure

How do we transcend our fear of failure? The antidote to any fear is appropriate, effective action. Here are six ways to combat your fear of failure.

Niacinamide: what is it and how does it treat skin concerns?

Niacinamide: what is it and how does it treat skin concerns?

With an excellent reputation, niacinamide can do almost anything, from combating ageing signs to minimising acne and fading dark spots.

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Our picks

'Can't stay long': How to deal with friends who won't make time for you

‘Can’t stay long’: How to deal with friends who won’t make time for you

Do you have a friend that says they “can’t stay long” every time you catch up? It’s surprisingly common, and here’s how you can deal with them.

What is revenge bedtime procrastination, and why should we stop doing it?

What is revenge bedtime procrastination, and why should we stop doing it?

Delaying going to bed to relish some alone time once the day's demands are done might feel good, but here's why you should avoid it.

10 therapist-approved tips to combat feeling lonely

10 therapist-approved tips to combat feeling lonely

Connection is a vital human need, so what can you do if you're experiencing social isolation or feeling lonely? A therapist shares advice.

Reply only friendships: how to deal with a friend who never initiates

‘Reply only’ friendships: how to deal with a friend who never initiates

If a lack of reciprocity in your friendship is negatively impacting you, here’s how you can make a change.

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Why are so many women struggling with ADHD?

Why are so many women struggling with ADHD?

More women are struggling with ADHD, but why is this the case and could the gender gap in diagnosis and treatment have anything to do with it?

Gender pay gap drops to 13.3% but women still ‘worse off’

Gender pay gap drops to 13.3% but women still ‘worse off’

Australia’s national gender pay gap has dropped to 13.3 per cent, but women still earn $253.50 less per week than men.

A call to action for all of us on International Women’s Day

A call to action for all of us on International Women’s Day

Here’s how you can play your part in embracing gender equity every day, according to gender equality expert Michelle Redfern.

Live Life Whole duo Megan Dickinson and Sarah Roughead

Meet the duo empowering women to take charge of their health

Megan Dickinson and Sarah Roughead are on a mission to teach young women how to nourish and nurture their overall health and wellbeing.

Gender diversity on boards improves organisational performance

Gender diversity on boards improves organisational performance

Men and women offer valuable contributions to company boards. To reap these benefits, organisations should keep increasing gender diversity.

Supporting feminine leadership can help create a just and kinder future

Supporting feminine leadership can help create a just and kinder future

As we face political, social and economic challenges, now is the time to recentre the feminine within and champion a different, kinder way to lead.

Bring your e-commerce business idea to life in 5 easy steps

Bring your e-commerce business idea to life in 5 easy steps

If you want to launch an online business that sells goods or services, here are five steps to help you bring your e-commerce idea to life.

Travel guide to Fiji

Your travel guide to Fiji, with an eco-friendly focus

If want to take a trip to Fiji that includes all the usual spoils as well as a focus on eco-tourism, check out this travel guide.

7 steps to building your $200K passive income

7 steps to building your $200K annual passive income

Here’s how you can become a successful commercial property investor and start earning a significant passive income.

SHE DEFINED - Career, Wellbeing, Food, Life, Travel, Style

SHE DEFINED is an online publication for smart, savvy women who are in search of more. It’s for the career makers, business creators, adventure seekers, health enthusiasts and, most importantly, it’s for those who are forging their own path. If you’ve ever challenged the status quo or thought about breaking free from conventions, then you’ve come to the right place.

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