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The longevity secret: 7 best anti-ageing supplements

The Longevity Secret: 7 Best Anti-Ageing Supplements

Encyclopaedia Brittanica defines ageing as progressive physiological changes that lead to a decline of biological functions. Wow, that’s a little depressing, don’t you think?

That’s why we prefer Michael Scott’s version: “I feel weak today, I felt much stronger yesterday. Like Benjamin Button in reverse.”

No matter how you describe it, though, getting old is not something we all impatiently wait for. Some people try to stop the process with anti-ageing procedures, whereas others cheer themselves up with the famous saying that ‘age is just a number’.

No matter which group you belong to, you can’t fool a simple scientific fact that physical and mental health decreases with age. It doesn’t mean that you can’t do something about it, though.

Sure, you can’t turn back the clock, but by improving your overall health, you’ll be able to ensure you age like a fine wine. To help you with that, we’ve prepared a list of the best anti-ageing supplements.


Mostly known for its ageing skin reduction properties, collagen is considered to be the ultimate anti-ageing supplement. There’s much more to it, though.

First of all, collagen is an integral component of human skin. It helps your system maintain skin structure. However, as you get older, its production slows down, accelerating ageing through wrinkles and skin damage.

Fortunately, collagen is also a popular supplement, and it comes in various shapes and sizes. For instance, you can try using collagen coffee to boost your skin and support metabolism.

Check out Life Botanics collagen powder for an affordable alternative to the more expensive brands.

Sure, collagen won’t stop you from getting old, but it may prevent skin degradation, reducing the effects of ageing on your look.


If you’ve been wondering what gives turmeric its vibrant yellow color, curcumin is the answer. That’s not the reason why it has found its way to our list, as curcumin is known for its anti-ageing properties.

As various studies show, the turmeric compound activates proteins responsible for delaying cellular senescence, which is responsible for speeding up the ageing process. That’s not all, though.

Curcumin may help prevent cellular damage, postpone age-related diseases, both mental and physical. Considering all that information, adding curcumin supplements to your diet is an easy way to boost your longevity.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is a natural antioxidant. It’s responsible for our energy production and cellular damage protection.

Unfortunately, as you get older, your body produces less CoQ10, meaning you need to take care of supplementing it yourself.

Aside from that, CoQ10 supplements have proven to help in reducing oxidative stress – a condition associated with the accumulation of free radicals, which accelerates the ageing process.

Because of that, you can consider adding CoQ10 to your arsenal of anti-ageing supplements. However, bear in mind that some professionals believe it requires more research to include in the group of safe anti-ageing products.


You may not have heard of crocin, but you must have come across the name saffron. And if you’ve always been wondering why it’s the most expensive spice in the world, it might surprise you that crocin is probably the reason.

But first things first, crocin is a carotenoid pigment, a compound found in saffron. Okay, but why is it on the list? Well, it turns out crocin may help to prevent age-related nerve damage.

Besides that, various tube tests have proven that crocin has other health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and anticancer.

It can also help maintain healthy skin, reducing inflammation and protecting your cellular level from UV light. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune on cooking with saffron, as there are many crocin supplements and products on the market.


Epigallocatechin Gallate, EGCG for short, is a polyphenol compound you can find in green tea. It’s well-known for its anticancer properties. It can also decrease the risk of heart disease and, indeed, the ageing process.

EGCG can slow your ageing by restoring mitochondrial function in cells, promoting longevity, and decreasing the risk of age-associated diseases.

As you can see then, if you love green tea, you’re in luck. And if you prefer classic black, don’t worry. You can find EGCG in a variety of supplements. Keep in mind, though, that green tea intake is the best and healthiest way to consume it.

Vitamin A and C

The list of benefits that come with vitamin intake is too long to mention here. As such, it shouldn’t be a surprise that some vitamins have anti-ageing properties, especially vitamin A and C.

The first one is incredibly beneficial for your skin, as it prevents wrinkles, improving your skin’s tone and thickness. You can find vitamin A in a variety of foods, including eggs or goat cheese. You can also consider taking supplements.

When it comes to vitamin C, it’s hard to mention all the reasons why you should take it every day. It’s mostly known for its immune system boosting features. However, it can also help to stimulate your body to produce collagen.

And do you know what’s the best about vitamin C? You don’t have to go the extra mile to consume it, as almost all fruits and vegetables are rich in it.

Omega 3-fatty acids

As much of a blessing as the sun can be, it plays a significant role in premature ageing, increasing the risk of appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It doesn’t mean you have to close down the curtains and stay inside during summer, though.

One of the best ways to ensure your skin receives all the care and protection from UV light is by increasing your omega 3-fatty acids intake. You can find it in foods such as fish or flax seeds, or supplements, especially fish oil.

Aside from anti-ageing properties, omega 3s have many other health benefits. For instance, they’re incredibly helpful in fighting dementia, Alzheimer’s, and many other brain-related dysfunctions.

Bottom line

You may not be able to stop ageing, but it doesn’t mean you can’t reduce its speed. With the use of anti-ageing supplements we’ve mentioned above, you’ll be able to look and feel younger, proving that age is just a number.

Of course, as great as such products are, it takes much more to keep your body and brain healthy. Anti-ageing supplements may help you, but you won’t achieve your goal as effectively as you might want without certain changes to your lifestyle.

Get more exercise, improve your diet, and use supplements to create the most powerful anti-ageing, natural treatment.